Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Thing 10, Week 5

The image generator has unlimited time consuming possibilities. Perfect for a wet weekend. I decided to select one of the variations on that annoying paperclip we all loathe so much ...

I managed to insert the flowery image below but have yet to work out how to merge these two posts! Flower Text

Thing 9, Week 4

Students are loving being able to create their own persona - their Avatar - next comes the world they create! They had a look at a virtual world and were most interested in the idea .. as one said, much more exciting than Muswellbrook!

I've subscribed to Bloglines - the link to geographical sites has been most useful eg each time National Geographic has a new article on the China earthquake I am advised to access it - I foresee a mis-spent retirement inundated with so many links and data ... certainly no excuses to be out of touch with the world.
The BBC news link has had great links so that it is possible to follow all the details of the stories coming out of the latest terrible natural disasters.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Thing 8, Week 4

RSS feeds; now these are proving to be a fantastic find. I am teaching natural disasters to the class. One topic is a current/recent disaster. I have been using RSS feeds to get the most up to date information and I have been able to impress the students by showing them how to set up their own RSS feeds. We have been following the terrible events in Burma. They are beginning to see that after a disaster, with the breakdown in communications - and a reluctant government, it can take some time for the information to be released. We have mainly used the Shychannel news RSS as the students prefer the shorter news version, but I have been using the Fairfax, ABC and CNN ones as well. A great discovery!

Thing 7, Week 3

I love new technology and what we can do with it. I often feel very disappointed with the quality of the information that comes with my new toys however. The material is often poorly produced and lacking in user friendly qualities. I do not think I should have to ring the manufacturer, have to monoeuvre past their entry obstacles before I finally get a person - and discover they don't know what to do either!
So, along with new technology I would like to ask for designers who are capable of communicating the wonders of their technology! Why produce machines and then not be able to communicate all the incredible things we might be able to do with them?

Fascinating use of technology: "A blue mouse with Tasmanian Tiger cartilage genes"
Scientists extracted cartilage DNA from the skin and remains of four thylacines which had been preserved in ethanol. The scientists successfully implanted the DNA into the mouse embryo. A blue bacteria gene was also inserted with the DNA so that the Thylacine DNA could be seen in the developing mouse. It may even have Thylacine striped markings on its back! A picture of the little mouse with its blue bones was published in the SMH on the 21st May 2008.

Thing 6, Week 3

Flickr Mashups & 3rd Party sites: this has many possibilities and I will explore further. I can see that wedding photos and other family events could really slot into this type of presentation!